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Chinese black stoneware bowl with “hare’s fur” glaze, Northern Song/Jin dynasty
Stock Number: 5121
Chinese black stoneware bowl with light “hare’s fur” glaze, 11th/12th century, Northern Song/Jin dynasty, d. 13 cm, 5¼ in; h. 5 cm, 2 in. Bespoke box. 9-18177
◆ This small bowl, referred to as “wan” in Chinese, is of Cizhou type and was probably made in either Shandong, Hebei or Henan provinces. The single application of glaze is very dark, thick and carries tiny bubbles in the interior which are thicker in the well where the glaze pools. The yellowish-white biscuit body is of rather open texture and far less dense than comparative bowls produced in Southern China. The rim is of a russet brown with “hare’s fur” streaks running down to the well at a distinct angle of the bowl where the glaze pools.
中國黑釉兔毫盞,北宋/金代,口徑13釐米,5 ¼英吋; 高5釐米,2 英吋。
◆ 此類小盞亦可成為小碗,屬磁州窯系,大概產於山東,河北或河南省。器身施單層釉,釉色深沉,厚重而且常帶有小釉泡。器足積釉處釉色更濃厚。黃白色的胎體土質較疏鬆,相對於中國南部生產的碗來說,這類碗的胎土要疏鬆不少。碗口沿呈深棕色,口沿和器璧帶有“兔毫”紋飾。