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Chinese ceramic bowl, covered inside and out with a lustrous black-brown glaze finely streaked with russet hare’s-fur markings, Jian yang kilns, Southern Song dynasty.
Stock Number: 4342
Chinese hare’s-fur ceramic bowl with deep sides rounding up to the finger-grooved rim, covered inside and out with a lustrous black-brown glaze finely streaked with russet hare’s-fur markings flowing from the russet band below the rim, Jian yang kilns, Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279), ø 13 cm, 5 1/8 in. 9.13092 Bespoke box.
Illustrated: Tang to Qing Ceramics, by A. Varela Santos, 2017/2018 catalogue, cat. 11.
• Chinese Ceramics, by W.B.R Neave-Hill, 1975 Edinburgh, p. 86, cat. 98 for a similar bowl;
• Christie’s Pictorial History of Chinese Ceramics, by A. du Boulay, p. 63, for a bowl;
• A Handbook of Chinese Ceramics at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, by S.G. Wallenstein, New York 1975, p. 101, cat. 64/65 for similar bowls;
• Chinese Pottery and Porcelain, by R.L. Hobson, New York and London 1915, plate 42, fig. 2 for a similar bowl;
• Chinesisches Porzellan, by E. Zimmermann, 1923 Leipzig, plate 37 for a similar bowl dated Song dynasty.
◆ This is the most representative piece from the Jian yang kilns.
At high temperature the bubbles of glaze bring the iron element to the surface creating crackles that after cooling off became the seen stripes.
Due to the popularity of this pattern other kilns in Jiangxi, Sichuan, Shanxi and Hebei manufactured similar pieces.
中國磁州窯式兔毫盞,腹深,口沿處有手指寬的束口,內外均施醬黑色亮釉,從口沿下黃褐色帶狀處流淌出精細的黃褐色條狀兔毫斑紋,建陽窯,北宋(1127-1279),口徑:13釐米,5 1/8英吋。
圖示: 《唐代至清代陶瓷》阿.瓦瑞拉.桑托斯, 2017/2018圖錄,編號,第11頁。
•《中國陶瓷》,作者W.B.R Neave-Hill,愛丁堡1975年出版,參見第86頁,圖錄號98一近器;
•《佳士得中國陶瓷歷史畫報》,作者A. du Boulay,參見第63頁碗一件;
•《大都會藝術博物館藏中國陶瓷手冊》,作者S.G. Valenstein,紐約1975年出版,參見第101頁, 圖錄號64、65近器;
•《中國陶器和瓷器》,作者R.L. Hobson,紐約及倫敦1915年出版,參見圖版42,圖2一近器;
•《中国瓷器》,作者E. Zimmermann,1923年萊比錫出版,参见圖版37一件相近的宋代盌。
◆ 此乃建陽窯最典型器物。高溫下釉泡將鐵元素帶至表面形成裂紋,冷卻後變成清晰可見的帶狀紋