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Chinese export porcelain in opaque enamels from the famille rose (fencai), Nieuwe Stadsherberg in Amsterdam, Qianlong.
Stock Number: 4387
Very rare Chinese export porcelain deep plate decorated in opaque enamels from the famille rose (fencai) palette on the rim with flowers and in the centre with the view from the river Ij from the public house Nieuwe Stadsherberg in Amsterdam, c. 1760, Qianlong reign, Qing dynasty, d. 22 cm, 8¾ in. 6.13080
Illustrated: Qing Export Porcelain, by A. Varela Santos, 2015/2016, cat. 77.
• article De Nieuwe Stadsherberg in het Ij voor Amsterdam op Chinese porselein in the magazine Antiek, 1968, pp. 484-486, illustrates a cup and sauce and where is given the correct location;
• China Trade Porcelain: Patterns of Exchange, by C. Le Corbeiller, New York 1974, plate 45, p. 108, for an identical plate;
• Chinese Export Porcelain, by D. F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, 1974, fig. 243, p. 223, for an identical plate from the Stodel Collection, Amsterdam;
• China for the West, by D.S. Howard and J. Ayers, 1974, vol. I, London and New York 1978, cat. 190, p. 193, for an identical plate from the Mottahedeh collection;
• A Winterthur Guide to Chinese Export Porcelain, by A.M. Palmer, New York 1976, 1976, fig. 59, p. 95, for an identical plate;
• Collecting Chinese Export Porcelain, by E. Gordon, 1978, p. 16, for an identical plate from the author’s collection;
• La Porcelaine des Compagnies des Indes à Décor Occidental, by F. and N. Hervouët and Y. Bruneau, 1986, fig. 1.3, for an identical plate from the Philip Suval collection, USA;
• The Choice of the Private Trader, by D.S. Howard, Minneapolis 1994, cat. 93, p. 100, for an identical plate from the Hodroff collection, USA;
• Porcelaine de la Compagnie des Indes, by M. Beurdeley, Fribourg 1974, p. 194, cat. 171 for a similar dish
• Treasures of Chinese Export Ceramics from the Peabody Essex Museum, by W.R. Sargent, Salem, MA 2012, p. 256, cat. 130 for a similar deep plate;
• Chinese Export Porcelain, Chine de Commande from the Royal Museums of Art and History in Brussels, catalogue by C.J.A. Jörg, Hong Kong 1989, p. 122/123, cat.37 for a tea bowl and saucer with the same pattern.
◆ The Nieuwe Stadsherberg (or de Stadts-Herbergh) was a public house built in 1662 and demolished in 1872. It was situated on the River Ij in Amsterdam and was a popular place for sailors of the Dutch East India Company (V.O.C.) to spend their last hours before leaving the port for the Orient, and often their first hours when they returned from their voyage. It has been suggested that plates with this design may have been commissioned to mark the centenary of the Nieuwe Stadsherberg. No exact print source for this decoration has been discovered, but several similar views can be found in engravings.
非常珍稀的中國外銷瓷粉彩深盤兩件,盤沿繪有花卉,盤中央的紋飾為阿姆斯特丹市Nieuwe Stadsherberg酒店處的lj河景,約1760年,清乾隆,22釐米,8 3/4英吋。
插图:《清代外銷瓷》, 阿.瓦瑞拉.桑托斯, 2015/2016,目录 77。
•《古董杂志里中国瓷器上的阿姆斯特丹市lj河畔Nieuwe Stadsherberg酒家》,1968年出版,參見第 484-486頁,一提及此地點的杯及托盤圖示;
•《中國貿易瓷:圖案交換》,作者C. le Corbeiller, 1974年出版,參見圖45,第108頁一相同盤子;
•《中國外銷瓷器》,作者D. F. Lunsingh Scheurleer,1974年出版,參見圖243,第223頁阿姆斯特 丹市Stodel珍藏的一相同盤子;
•《西行中國》,作者J. Ayers 及 D. Howard,1978年倫敦和紐約出版,見編號190,第193頁 Mottahedeh收藏完全相同的盤子一件;
•《溫特圖爾中國外銷瓷導讀》,作者A.M. Palmer,1976年紐約出版,見圖59,第95頁完 全相同的盤子一件;
•《中國外銷瓷器收藏》,作者E. Gordon, 1978年出版,參見第16頁作者收藏的一相同盤子;
•《帶有歐式圖案的中國瓷器》,作者F. 和N. Hervouët及Y. Bruneau, 1986年出版,參見圖1.3 美國the Philip Suval珍藏的一相同盤子;
•《私人貿易者的選擇》,作者D.S. Howard,1994年明尼阿波利斯出版,見編號93,第100頁美國 Hodroff收藏完全相同的盤子一件;
•《东印度公司瓷器》,作者M. Beurdeley, 瑞士弗里堡1974年出版,參見第194頁,第171號一 相似碟子;
•《The Peabody Essex博物館的中國外銷陶瓷珍藏》,作者W.R. Sargent, 馬薩諸塞州塞勒姆市 2012年出版,參見第256頁,第130號一相似深盤;
•《中國外銷瓷器,布魯塞爾皇家藝術及歷史博物館館藏的中國瓷器》,圖錄作者C.J.A. Jörg,1989年 香港出版,參見122、123頁,第37號有著相同式樣的一茶碗及托盤。
◆ The Nieuwe Stadsherberg (又稱de Stadts Herbergh)曾經是一座酒家,建於1662 年拆除於1872年。 它坐落在阿姆斯特丹市的lj河畔,曾是最受東印度公司水手歡迎的地方,他們常在這裡度過離開 港口前往東方的最後時刻,旅途歸來後的第一站也是這裡。曾有人提議帶有此設計圖案的盤子可能被用來標記the Nieuwe Stadsherberg的百週年紀念。這種紋飾的確切印行來源尚未被發現, 但幾種相似的圖 案可見與雕刻上。