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Chinese export porcelain model of cows after a Dutch Delft original, Qianlong.


Stock Number: 4759

Very rare pair of Chinese export porcelain model of two cows standing on a rectangular base after a Dutch delft original decorated with brown opaque enamel marks, c. 1760, Qianlong reign, Qing dynasty, h. 12,5 cm, 5 in; l. 19 cm, 7½ in. 7-16347

Provenance: Mary Sayles Booker Braga, New York, USA.

Illustrated: Tang to Qing Ceramics, by A. Varela Santos, 2017/2018 catalogue, cat. 66.


Porcelaine de la Compagnie des Indes, by M. Beurdeley, Fribourg 1974, p. 51, colour plate IX, for a similar pair of cows but with different decoration;

Christie’s Pictorial History of Chinese Ceramics, by A. du Boulay, p. 297, cat. 11 for a single cow with similar decoration.


藏品來源:美國紐約Mary Sayles Booker Braga。

圖示: 《唐代至清代陶瓷》阿.瓦瑞拉.桑托斯, 2017/2018圖錄,編號,第66頁。


•《印度公司瓷器》,作者M. Beurdeley,1974年弗里堡出版,參見第51頁圖版9帶不同紋飾的相似 塑像一對;

•《佳士得中國陶瓷史畫報》,作者A. du Boulay,參見第297頁編號11帶相同紋飾的奶牛塑像一件。