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Chinese export porcelain plate decorated in the centre a Chinese deity in opaque enamels of the famille rose (fencai) palette, Yongzheng.
Stock Number: 3186
613. Chinese export porcelain plate, pink border with three reserves with flowers, green border in the well, in the centre a Chinese deity riding her mythical beast holding a long stem with a lotus flower at the end, accompanied by two attendants, one with a gourd at her feet and the other holding a peacock feather, all decorated in opaque enamels of the famille rose (fencai) palette, c. 1730, Yongzheng reign, Qing dynasty, d. 22 cm, 8 5/8 in. 3.4025
Provenance: Martin Hurst Collection, UK.
• 100 Years of Chinese Export Porcelain, by A. Varela Santos, 2014/2015, cat. 102;
• The Book of Famille Rose by G. C. Williamson, colour plate XLIX.
• La Ceramique Chinoise sous les Ts’ing, by J.P. van Goidsenhoven, Brussels 1936, colour plate 67, cat. 133 for a similar plate;
• The Choice of the Private Trader, by D.S. Howard, Minneapolis1994, p. 69, cat. 48 for a similar but deep plate.
中國外銷瓷粉彩開光人物花卉盤, 盤中繪有一中國女神, 身騎怪獸, 手持蓮花, 兩名侍女, 一個腳踩葫蘆, 一個手持孔雀羽毛。約1730年, 清雍正, 直徑22 釐米, 8 5/8 英吋。
出處:英國Martin-Hurst 之藏品。
• 《百年中国外销瓷》 阿.瓦瑞拉.桑托斯, 2014/2015, 目录 102。
•《粉彩全書》,作者G. C. Williamson,參見第49號彩盤。
•《清代陶瓷》,作者J.P. van Goidsenhoven,1936年布魯塞爾出版,參見彩色圖版67編號133 一相似盤子;
•《私人貿易者的選擇》,作者D.S. Howard,1994年明尼阿波利斯出版,參見第69頁編號48一相似但較深的盤子。