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Chinese export porcelain seated Pug dog, after a Meissen original created and moulded by J.J. Kaëndler, c. 1750, Qianlong
Stock Number: 4656
Rare and large Chinese export porcelain seated Pug dog with curly tail, based in a Meissen original created and moulded by J.J. Kaëndler, naturalistically depicted and decorated in iron-red, cropped ears, c. 1750, Qianlong reign, Qing dynasty, h. 26 cm, 10¼ in. 7-13329A
• Chinese Porcelain, by A. du Boulay, Hong Kong 1963, p. 74, cat. 102 for a single hound;
• Christie’s Pictorial History of Chinese Ceramics, by A. du Boulay, p. 295 for a pair of hounds of smaller size, and p. 297 for a similar one;
• Qing Porcelain: Famille Verte, Famille Rose, by M. Beurdeley and G. Raindre, London 1987, p. 84, cat. 119 of a single hound on a base decorated in translucent enamels;
• A Connoisseur’s Guide to Chinese Ceramics, by C. and M. Beurdeley, London 1984, p. 257, cat. 139 for a pair of hounds and p. 273, cat. 150 for a seated Pug;
• Porcelaine de la Compagnie des Indes, by M. Beurdeley, Fribourg 1974, p. 114, fig. 81 for a similar dog from the Essayen Collection, Lisboa, Portugal and p. 199, cat. 196 for a seated single one from the Onassis Collection, Paris;
• The Copeland Collection, Chinese and Japanese Ceramic Figures, by W.R. Sargent, Salem, MA 1991, pp. 189/190/191, cat. 92 for a pair in iron red;
• Chinese Ceramics in the Collection of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, by C.J.A. Jörg, London 1997, p. 198, cat. 223 for a late pair of hounds;
• Collection de M. Fauchier-Magan, sale catalogue Paris 1928, cat. 11/12 for two hounds on a base decorated in turquoise;
• A Tale of Three Cities, by D.S. Howard, cat. 177, p. 139 for a pair;
• Chinese Export Porcelains from the Collection of Dr. and Mrs. Harold L. Tonkin, catalogue by O.K. Preisner, Pennsylvania State University 1980, p. 27, cat. 48 for a similar dog decorated in black enamel;
• Collection Barros, Porto, Portugal, for a pair of the same size sold in 1947 as lots 744 and 745;
• The Chinese Pavillon at Drottningholm, 1972 Malmö, p. 129 for 3 pairs of hounds about 17 cm tall decorated in iron-red;
• Chinese and Japanese Works of Art in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen, by J. Ayers, 2016 London, vol. 1, p. 320 for a iron-red pair of hounds 25 cm high dated 1740/70, and for a single pug dog decorated in grisaille 12,8 cm dated end half of 18th century.
罕見且碩大的中國外銷瓷礬紅釉八哥犬坐像,器型源自邁森,由J.J. Kaendler創造及運用, 八哥犬形態自若,卷尾,剪耳,約1750年,清乾隆,高26釐米,10 ¼英吋。
•《中國瓷器》,作者A. du Boulay,1963年香港出版,見第74頁,編號102一尊獵犬塑像;
•《佳士得中國陶瓷史畫報》,作者A. du Boulay,見第295頁尺寸較小的獵犬塑像一對及第 297頁近似器一件;
•《清代瓷器:素三彩,粉彩》,作者M. Beurdeley and G. Raindre,1987年倫敦出版,見第84頁, 編號119單尊獵犬塑像,底座施透明釉;
•《中國陶瓷導讀》,作者C. and M. Beurdeley,1984年倫敦出版,見第257頁,編號139一對獵 犬像及第273頁,編號150一尊八哥犬坐像;
•《印度公司瓷器》,作者M. Beurdeley,1974年弗里堡出版,見第114頁,編號81,葡萄牙里斯本 Essayen收藏近似犬塑像一尊,第199頁,編號196,巴黎Onassis收藏犬坐像一尊;
•《Copeland收藏中日陶瓷塑像》,作者W.R. Sargent, 1991年馬瑟諸塞州塞勒姆市出版, 見第189、190、191頁,編號91礬紅釉近似器一對;
•《阿姆斯特丹國家博物館藏中國陶瓷》,作者C.J.A. Jörg,1997年倫敦出版,見198頁, 編號223一對年代較晚的獵犬像;
•《M. Fauchier-Magan收藏》,1928年巴黎拍賣圖錄,編號11、12兩尊獵犬像,松石綠釉底座;
•《三城記》,作者D.S. Howard,見編號177,第139頁塑像一對;
•《Harold L. Tonkin夫婦收藏中國外銷瓷》,目錄作者O.K. Preisner,1980年賓夕法尼亞州立大學 出版,見第27頁,編號48一尊相似黑釉犬像;
• 葡萄牙波爾圖Barros收藏一對尺寸相同的塑像,於1947年拍出,拍品號分別為744和745;
•《英女皇收藏中日工藝美術品》,作者J. Ayers,2016年倫敦出版,見卷一,第320頁高25 釐米, 1740-1770年作,礬紅釉獵犬像一對,和高12.8釐米,18世紀後半葉作墨彩八哥犬一尊。