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Chinese export porcelain teapot decorated in opaque enamels of the famille rose (fencai) palette with the arms of the States General after a Dutch ducatoon minted by the VOC (initials from the Dutch East India Company in Dutch) and dated 1728, around the rim the motto Concordia Res Parvae Crescunt, Yongzheng reign.


Stock Number: 6.10047

Chinese export porcelain teapot and cover decorated in opaque enamels of the famille rose (fencai) palette with the arms of the States General after a Dutch ducatoon minted by the VOC (initials from the Dutch East India Company in Dutch) and dated 1728, around the rim the motto Concordia Res Parvae Crescunt, Yongzheng reign, Qing dynasty, h. 13 cm, 5¼ in. 6.10047


Oriental Export Market Porcelain, by
G.A. Godden, p. 51, for a similar teapot;

China for the West, by D.S. Howard and
J. Ayers, London and New York 1978, p. 194 for a plate with the same

The Book of Famille Rose, by G.C. Williamson, colour plate XXXVII;

Gulland Bequest Handbook, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1950, plate XLV;

• Chinese Porcelain: Periods of K’ang Hsi, Yung Chéng and Ch’ien Lung, by W.B. Honey, London 1927, plate 110a for a tea bowl and saucer;

• Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Enamelled Ware in the Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, by Lady David, London 1973, plate 9, cat. A802, for a tea bowl and saucer;

Christie’s Pictorial History of Chinese Ceramics, by A. du Boulay, p. 277, cat. 15 for a saucer;

• Ancient Chinese Trade Porcelain from The British Museum, London, by R. Krahl and J. Harrison, Taipei1994, pp. 86/87 for a tea bowl and saucer;

• Qing Porcelain: Famille Verte, Famille Rose, by M. Beurdeley and G. Raindre, London 1987, p. 196, cat. 271 for a saucer;

Porcelaine de la Compagnie des Indes (Chinese trade Porcelain), by M. Beurdeley, 1962 Fribourg reprint of 1969, p. 98, fig. 65 for a saucer;

• Chinese Export Porcelain, Chine de Commande from the Royal Museums of Art and History in Brussels, catalogue by C.J.A. Jörg, Hong Kong 1989, cat. 36, p. 120/121 for a teapot, a tea bowl and saucer and a plate;

Chinese Export Porcelain in North America, by J.M. Mudge, New York 1986, p. 112, cat. 166 for a tea bowl and saucer;

• Chinese Export Porcelain, Chine de Commande, by D.F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, fig. 267 for a tea pot without cover;

China Trade Porcelain: Patterns of Exchange, by C. Le Corbeiller, New York 1974, p. 104, cat. 43 for a tea bowl and saucer with this pattern;

Oriental Ceramics at the Cape of Good Hope, 1652-1795, by C.S. Woodward, Cape Town 1974, p. 94 and cover, cat. 125, 127, colour plate A1 and A2 for three tea bowls and saucers, a plate and a teapot with cover with this pattern;

• The Hatcher Porcelain Cargoes, The Complete Record (1643/46-1752), by C. Sheaf and R. Kilburn, Oxford 1988, p. 84, plate 126 for a plate with the same decoration;

Interaction in Ceramics: Oriental Porcelain and Delftware, by Dr C.J.A. Jörg, 1984 Hong Kong, pp. 86/87, cat. 42 for a tea bowl and saucer;

Oriental Ceramics at the Cape of Good Hope, 1652-1795, by C.S. Woodward, Cape Town 1974, p. 94, cat. 125/126/127 for one plate, three tea bowls and saucers and the silver Ducatoon of 1728; colour plate A1 facing page 100 for a teapot from the Africana Museum and a saucer-dish from Mercedes Benz Company of Pretoria in colour plate A-2;

Oriental Porcelain in the Netherlands. Four museum collections, by C.J.A. Jörg, 2003 Groningen, p. 28, cat 10 for a tea pot from the Gemeentemuseum, Den Hague.

 The Dutch East India Company, whose initials (VOC) are from its native name, was the first modern multinational corporation with powers and competence of a nation given by the government. The VOC could declare war, have a war navy, mint currency, conquer lands and sign treaties with foreign governments. Its land possessions encompassed two continents: Africa and Asia.

The design for this teapot was wholly based on a gold ducatoon minted at the beginning of the Yongzheng reign. This is one of the very rare dated Chinese export porcelain items and one of the earliest and most important.

中國外銷瓷粉彩帶蓋茶壺,壺身畫有一州將軍家族徽章,形狀仿VOC荷蘭東印度公司製作的一枚銀幣,壺口帶“Concordia Res Parvae Crescunt”字樣,1728年,清雍正,高13釐米,5¼英吋。


•《东方外销市场陶瓷》, 作者G.A. Godden, 参见第51页一相近茶壶;

•《西行中國》, 作者 D. Howard 和 J. Ayers, 參見第194頁一盤其紋飾與本器相同

• 《粉彩大全》, 作者 G.C. Williamson, 參見彩盤第37號;

• 《顧蘭德遺產手冊, 維多利亞與艾伯特博物館》, 倫敦 1950年出版,圖45;

•《康雍乾三朝中國瓷器》,作者W.B. Honey,1927年倫敦出版,見圖版110a一套茶盌及茶托;


•《佳士得中國陶瓷史畫報》,作者A. du Boulay,見第277頁,編號15一件瓷碟;

•《倫敦大英博物館藏古代中國貿易瓷》,作者R. Krahl及J. Harrison,1994年台北出版,見第86/87頁一套茶盌及茶托;

•《清代瓷器:素三彩和粉彩》,作者M. Beurdeley及G. Raindre,1987年倫敦出版,見第196頁,編號271一件瓷碟;

•《中國貿易瓷》,作者M. Beurdeley,1962年弗里堡出版,1969年再版,見第98頁,圖65一件瓷碟;

•《布魯塞爾皇家藝術歷史博物館藏中國外銷瓷》,圖錄編者C.J.A. Jörg,1989年香港出版,見編號36,第120/121頁一件茶壺,一套茶盌及茶托和一件瓷盤;

•《北美中國外銷瓷》,作者J.M. Mudge,1986年紐約出版,見第112頁,編號166一套茶盌及托盤;

•《中國外銷瓷器》,作者D.F. Lunsingh Scheurleer,見圖267一件無蓋茶壺;

•《中國貿易瓷:式樣的交換》,作者C. Le Corbeiller,1974年紐約出版,見第104頁,編號43一套繪此式樣的茶盌及茶托;

•《1652-1795年好望角的東方陶瓷》,作者C.S. Woodward,1974年開普敦出版,見第94頁和封面,編號125,127,彩圖版A1和A2繪此式樣的三套茶盌及茶托,一件瓷盤和一件帶蓋茶壺;

• 《Hatcher號沉船瓷器全目錄(1643、46-1752)》,作者C. Sheaf及R. Kilburn,1988年牛津出版,見第84頁,圖版126一件繪相同紋飾的瓷盤;

•《陶瓷的交流:東方瓷器及代爾夫特陶器》,作者C.J.A. Jörg博士,1984年香港出版,見第86/87頁,編號42一套茶盌及托盤;

•《1652-1795年好望角東方陶瓷》,作者C.S. Woodward,1974年開普敦出版,見第94頁,編號125/126/127一件瓷盤,三套茶盌及茶托和一枚1728年銀幣;見彩圖版A1,靠近第100頁位置一件非洲博物館藏茶壺;見彩圖版A-2一件普利托利亞梅塞迪斯奔馳公司藏醬料碟;

•《尼德蘭的東方瓷器,四大博物館收藏》,作者C.J.A. Jörg,2003年格羅寧根出版,見第28頁,編號10海牙市立美術館藏一件茶壺。

◆ 荷蘭東印度公司,(簡稱V.O.C.),名稱得來于荷蘭原名,是第一個由政府授權扶植的現代跨國公司。該公司可 以向別國宣戰, 自組海軍, 鑄造貨幣, 征服土地, 也可與外國政府簽署協議。它佔有的土地橫跨亞非 兩個大陸。 此茶壺的設計完全取自於雍正初年鑄造的流通金幣。這是十分珍稀并有註明時間, 也是最 早的中國外銷瓷器物之一, 因而也更顯重要。