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Chinese porcelain bowl made for the Empress Dowager Cixi’s rebuilt Summer Palace, decorated in famille rose (fencai) palette; rim with daya zhai (studio of great elegance) and oval cartouche with tiandi yijia chun (Heaven and Earth harmonious as one family); yongqing changchun, Tongzhi/Guangxu


Stock Number: 4001

Chinese porcelain bowl made for the Empress Dowager Cixi’s rebuilt Summer Palace, after the previous one having been looted and burned down by the British troops, decorated in famille rose (fencai) palette opaque enamels with three peonies, branches entwined with wisteria and a mynah bird on a green ground; rim with daya zhai (studio of great elegance) and oval cartouche with tiandi yijia chun (Heaven and Earth harmonious as one family); base with four characters iron-red mark in two lines reading yongqing changchun (enduring spring eternally celebrated). Tongzhi/Guangxu, Qing dynasty, ø 12,6 cm, 5 in. 4.10086 Bespoke box.  

Illustrated: Tang to Qing Ceramics, by A. Varela Santos, 2017/2018 catalogue, cat. 94.


• A yellow ground bowl from the Percival David Foundation, now at the British Museum, London, with the number PDF A838 is illustrated in Rare Marks on Chinese Ceramics, by M. Wilson, pp. 40/41;

Later Chinese Porcelain, by S. Jenyns, plate CXV for a yellow ground bowl;

A Connoisseur’s Guide to Chinese Ceramics, by C. and M. Beurdeley, London 1984, p. 282, cat. 154 for a yellow ground bowl;

A Handbook of Chinese Ceramics at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, by S.G. Valenstein, New York 1975, p. 239, cat. 48 for a yellow ground bowl;

• Chinese Ceramics in the Collection of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, by C.J.A. Jörg, London 1997,

p. 228, cat. 260 for a similar bowl with yellow ground;

The Great Fortune, Das Grobe Glück, 2002 Berlin, by G. Weishaupt, p. 27, cat. 25 for two similar bowls. 

中國瓷器粉彩牡丹紋碗。英國軍隊曾進入寶貴的頤和園內進行掠奪并將其燒燬,此碗則專為慈禧太后重建頤和園而燒製,器身綠地上繪有牡丹三只,柴藤纏繞,八哥鳴唱的紋飾,口沿處落“大雅齋”及橢圓印章“天地一家春”,底書“永慶長春”雙行四字鐵紅款。清同治/光緒(1862/83)。口徑12.6釐米,5英 吋。

圖示: 《唐代至清代陶瓷》阿.瓦瑞拉.桑托斯, 2017/2018圖錄,編號,第94頁。


•前大維德基金會藏品,現在倫敦大英博物館展出的黃地粉彩碗一件,展品號PDF A838, 收錄于M. Wilson所著《中國陶瓷中的罕見款識》第40/41頁。

•《後期中國瓷器》,作者S. Jenyns, 參見圖版115一黃地近器;

•《中國陶瓷鑑賞導讀》,作者C. 及M. Beurdeley,倫敦1984年出版,參見第282頁,編號154一 黃地近器;

•《大都會藝術博物館中國陶瓷手冊》,作者S.G. Valenstein,紐約1975年出版,參見第239頁, 編號48一黃地近器;

• 《阿姆斯特丹國家博物館藏中國陶瓷》,作者C.J.A. Jörg,1997年倫敦出版,參見第228頁, 編號260一件以黃色為地的相似盌;

• 《偉大的財富》,作者G. Weishaupt,2002年柏林出版,參見第27頁,編號25兩件相似盌。