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Chinese porcelain vase, decorated in gilt with a domestic hunting scene with a rifle, on underglaze cobalt (qinghua) powder-blue ground, Kangxi/Yongzheng reigns.


Stock Number: 3841

Large Chinese export porcelain vase and cover, decorated in gilt with a domestic hunting scene, on underglaze cobalt (qinghua) powder-blue ground, c. 1720/30, Kangxi/Yongzheng reigns, Qing dynasty, h. 63 cm, 24¾ in. 1.14132

Illustrated: Qing Export Porcelain, by A. Varela Santos, 2015/2016, cat. 34.

◆ One of the horse-riding hunters is shooting a rifle, scene very rarely displayed in Chinese porcelain and maybe unique at this very early period. The hunter could possibly be the Emperor Kangxi who was a great hunter to the point of having a zoo close to one of his palaces.

中國外銷瓷吹蘭大蓋瓶,吹蘭地上繪有描金狩獵圖紋飾。約1720/30年,清康熙/雍正。高63釐米,24¾ 英吋。

插图:《清代外銷瓷》, 阿.瓦瑞拉.桑托斯, 2015/2016,目录 34。

◆ 其中一名騎著馬的狩獵者正手持來福槍,這類場景在中國瓷器上的運用非常少見,于早期瓷器來說或許可稱為獨特。這名狩獵者很有可能是康熙皇帝, 他喜歡並且擅長打獵,甚至在他的宮殿旁設立了狩 獵場。