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Pair of Chinese export Spaniels decorated in iron red enamels from the famille rose (fencai) palette, Qianlong.

Stock Number: 5128

A fine pair of Chinese export Spaniels decorated in iron red and the collar and tassels in green and blue opaque enamels from the famille rose (fencai) palette, c. 1760, Qianlong reign, Qing dynasty, h. 16 cm, 6¼ in. 7-18363


Chinese Porcelain, by A. du Boulay, Hong Kong 1963, p. 74, cat. 102 for a single hound;

Christie’s Pictorial History of Chinese Ceramics, by A. du Boulay, p. 295 for a pair of hounds of smaller size, and p. 297 for a similar one;

• Qing Porcelain: Famille Verte, Famille Rose, by M. Beurdeley and G. Raindre, London 1987, p. 84, cat. 119 of a single hound on a base decorated in translucent enamels;

A Connoisseur’s Guide to Chinese Ceramics, by C. and M. Beurdeley, London 1984, p. 257, cat. 139 for a pair of hounds and p. 273, cat. 150 for a seated Pug;

Porcelaine de la Compagnie des Indes, by M. Beurdeley, Fribourg 1974, p. 114, fig. 81 for a similar dog from the Essayen Collection, Lisboa, Portugal and p. 199, cat. 196 for a seated single one from the Onassis Collection, Paris;

• The Copeland Collection, Chinese and Japanese Ceramic Figures, by W.R. Sargent, Salem, MA 1991, pp. 189/190/191, cat. 92 for a pair in iron red;

Chinese Ceramics in the Collection of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, by C.J.A. Jörg, London 1997, p. 198, cat. 223 for a late pair of hounds;

Collection de M. Fauchier-Magan, sale catalogue Paris 1928, cat. 11/12 for two hounds on a base decorated in turquoise;

• A Tale of Three Cities, by D.S. Howard, cat. 177, p. 139 for a pair;

• Chinese Export Porcelains from the Collection of Dr. and Mrs. Harold L. Tonkin, catalogue by O.K. Preisner, Pennsylvania State University 1980, p. 27, cat. 48 for a similar dog decorated in black enamel;

• Collection Barros, Porto, Portugal, for a pair of the same size sold in 1947 as lots 744 and 745;

The Chinese Pavillon at Drottningholm, 1972 Malmö, p. 129 for 3 pairs of hounds about 17 cm tall decorated in iron-red;

• Chinese and Japanese Works of Art in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen, by J. Ayers, 2016 London, vol. 1, p. 320 for a iron-red pair of hounds 25 cm high dated 1740/70, and for a single pug dog decorated in grisaille 12,8 cm dated end half of 18th century.



•《中國瓷器》,作者A. du Boulay,1963年香港出版,見第74頁,編號102一尊獵犬塑像;

•《佳士得中國陶瓷史畫報》,作者A. du Boulay,見第295頁尺寸較小的獵犬塑像一對及第 297頁近似器一件;

•《清代瓷器:素三彩,粉彩》,作者M. Beurdeley and G. Raindre,1987年倫敦出版,見第84頁, 編號119單尊獵犬塑像,底座施透明釉;

•《中國陶瓷導讀》,作者C. and M. Beurdeley,1984年倫敦出版,見第257頁,編號139一對獵 犬像及第273頁,編號150一尊八哥犬坐像;

•《印度公司瓷器》,作者M. Beurdeley,1974年弗里堡出版,見第114頁,編號81,葡萄牙里斯本 Essayen收藏近似犬塑像一尊,第199頁,編號196,巴黎Onassis收藏犬坐像一尊;

•《Copeland收藏中日陶瓷塑像》,作者W.R. Sargent, 1991年馬瑟諸塞州塞勒姆市出版, 見第189、190、191頁,編號91礬紅釉近似器一對;

•《阿姆斯特丹國家博物館藏中國陶瓷》,作者C.J.A. Jörg,1997年倫敦出版,見198頁, 編號223一對年代較晚的獵犬像;

•《M. Fauchier-Magan收藏》,1928年巴黎拍賣圖錄,編號11、12兩尊獵犬像,松石綠釉底座;

•《三城記》,作者D.S. Howard,見編號177,第139頁塑像一對;

•《Harold L. Tonkin夫婦收藏中國外銷瓷》,目錄作者O.K. Preisner,1980年賓夕法尼亞州立大學 出版,見第27頁,編號48一尊相似黑釉犬像;

• 葡萄牙波爾圖Barros收藏一對尺寸相同的塑像,於1947年拍出,拍品號分別為744和745;


•《英女皇收藏中日工藝美術品》,作者J. Ayers,2016年倫敦出版,見卷一,第320頁高25 釐米, 1740-1770年作,礬紅釉獵犬像一對,和高12.8釐米,18世紀後半葉作墨彩八哥犬一尊。