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Two Chinese export porcelain ewers modelled as deer, decorated on the biscuit in translucent enamels from the famille verte (wucai) palette, Kangxi reign.
Stock Number: 3995
Two extremely rare Chinese export porcelain ewers modelled as deer, decorated on the biscuit in translucent enamels from the famille verte (wucai) palette in bold reversed colours, c. 1700, Kangxi reign, Qing dynasty, 22,5 cm, 8 5/8 in. 7.6109
Illustrated: Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, by A. Varela Santos, 2018/2019, cat. 83.
• Christie’s Pictorial History of Chinese Ceramics, by A. du Boulay, p. 291 for a similar pair;
• A Handbook of Chinese Ceramics at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, by S.G. Valenstein, New York 1975, p. 235, cat. 229 for a similar single ewer;
• Chinese and Japanese Works of Art in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen, by J. Ayers, 2016 London, vol. 1, pp. 150/151 for two similar figures decorated with “splashed” translucent green, yellow and brown enamels and dated mid 17th-century. The author indicates also that “another example of this rare model is in the National Trust Collection at Ascott”.
◆ The first time this type of ewers were recorded in the UK was at the Burghley house inventory of 1690, included in the Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth, dowager Countess of Devonshire, catalogued as “two browne painted stags”.
兩件非常珍稀的中國外銷瓷五彩鹿型水壺,顏色大膽鮮明,約1700年,清康熙,高22.5釐米,8 5/8英吋。
圖示:《中國陶瓷及工藝精品》,作者阿.瓦瑞拉.山度士,編號 83。
•《佳士得中國陶瓷史畫報》,作者A. du Boulay,見291頁一對近似器;
•《大都會藝術博物館中國陶瓷手冊》,作者S.G. Valenstein,1975年紐約出版,見235頁, 編號229一件近似水壺;
•《英女王藏中日藝術品》,作者J. Ayers,2016年倫敦出版,見卷一,第150-151頁施虎皮 釉的十七世紀中期近似塑像。此書作者指出“阿斯科特的國家名勝古跡 信託亦收藏一件這類 珍稀的塑像”。
◆ 這類水壺在英國的最早記錄,是在1690年的伯利莊園庫存中。德文郡伯爵夫人伊麗莎白的遺